Saturday, October 8, 2011

A writers' challenge -- and a chance to win a free book!

I have a challenge for you: Go dig around on your laptop or under your bed for something you wrote a few years ago. For some of you, it might be only a few months ago. Either way, dig it out and take a look.

Here are the rules:

1.      Be kind to yourself.

2.      Be willing to chuckle at your own writing.

3.      Look for what you were already doing well.

4.      Identify why you are better now at certain aspects of writing craft.

5.      Thank your mentors.

6.      Dabble in editing the piece. But be sure to save your edited version with a new name so you can preserve that writing time capsule. You may need to go back and look at it again some other day.

It is a great thing to be able to look back for the sake of seeing how far you have come.  But don’t gaze that direction for too long. Appreciate your progress – then continue your journey.

Write something new.

Leave a comment below to enter a drawing for a free copy of Seize the Story – a writing craft book for young adult writers. Tell me how the challenge worked for you – or comment on what you’ve learned about your own writing recently. I’ll draw the winner on Sunday, October 16th.

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